Kimonoevents x goodmorning Habibi

Kimonoevents x goodmorning Habibi
Kimonoevents x goodmorning Habibi
Kimonoevents x goodmorning Habibi
Billets vendus par : Kimono Events

18/05/24  📍 Larocca lounge Casablanca 

‼️ 1st guest: ‼️

Mr.Id makes us the honor of his coming for the first goodmorning Habibi x Kimonoevents in Casablanca. 

‼️ 2nd guest: Omed.wav ‼️

Omed makes the trip from France and comes to make you dance all evening. 

‼️ be ready for ASH x YAZZZ ‼️

More Information on : @kimonoevents and @goodmorninghabibi 



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